6700 Central Park Way Huntington Beach

30 Days

You don't have to believe like us to be with us.


[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 1: The Bible is true, all of it…”]

The Bible is true, all of it. We can always count on what it says. As we open ourselves to what God says through it He changes us from the inside out. (II Timothy 3:16)

Begin reading the Bible daily. The book of John is a good place to start.[/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 2: All people are created in God’s Image…”]

All people are created in God’s Image, regardless of their race, gender or income. God loves all people equally and calls us to do the same. (Genesis 1:27, Galatians 3:26-29)

Who can you show kindness to today that you normally wouldn’t? Now go for it! [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 3: People were created perfectly…”]

People were created perfectly, but when Adam and Eve chose to disobey  God’s will (“Sin”), we all inherited the desire to sin also – and sin separates us from God. (Romand 5:12, & 3:23)

What is an area of your life that you need to give over to God? [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 4: Sin separates us from God…”]

Though sin separates us from God, it is through Jesus’ Death and Resurrection that we can be children of God! (John 14:6, Colossians 1:22)

Express your thanks to God for giving you a life that is better than any you could arrange for yourself. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 5: Confess our sins to God…”]

When we Confess our sins to God and ask for his forgiveness; agreeing to follow Jesus as our Lord we are saved and begin a new life in God. (Romans 9:10-11)

Whether it’s the first time or the thousandth, ask God to have mercy for your sins against Him. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 6: God’s unfathomable mercy…”]

This act of God placing our offenses against Him (our sins) on Christ is the prime example of God’s Mercy. (Ephesians 2:4)

Thank God for the mercy He has shown you. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 7: Amazing grace…”]

God’s Grace is shown to us in that now we can come before him purified and clean in his eyes, as a family member that is truly and purely loved. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Take time today to enjoy your God – who loves you more than you can imagine. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 8: Works, are they necessary?”]

The proof that we have Jesus in us is in our Works. Our good works do not save us, but they show we are his disciples now. Our outward good works are evidence of what God is doing inside us. (James 2:14-17, John 12:26)

Take time to examine your life; how can you live more like Jesus toward others? [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 9: You are loved by God unconditionally…”]

You are Loved by God unconditionally. In a world where everything is conditional, this is hard for us to understand, but God’s love is greater than our faults. (Romans 5:8)

How can you show love (a kindness) to someone you know that is unlovable? [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 10: Do we have free will?”]

We have Free Will. That means that though God is in control of everything, He has respectfully given us the ability to make free conscious choices, whether good or evil, with real effects in this world and in eternity. (James 1:13-15, II Peter 3:14)

Take action today to please God by helping another person. Do something you wouldn’t normally do.[/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 11: Simplify prayer…”]

Prayer is simply talking to God and allows us to get to know Him through open conversation. (Heb. 5:7, Philippians 4:6-7)

Begin making it a habit to spend 5 minutes a day talking, just talking to God. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 12: You can’t do life alone…”]

As believers, we can’t do life alone. We grow together as we share time and our lives with each other, what’s called Fellowship. We find that as we progressively become open and honest or “transparent.” We find that we are not alone at all. We are all deeply flawed and grateful to God for our new lives in Him. (Hebrews 10:24-25, Acts 2:42, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, I Corinthians 12:12-27)

Join an Access Group and begin growing together with other believers. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 13: How does God speak to us?”]

God speaks to us in various ways, through the Bible, sound biblical teachers, but also in our hearts through the voice of the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26)

Spend at least a few minutes daily quiet before God and let Him speak or just work in your heart. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 14: Found people find people.”]

Found people find people. As we have heard and been changed by the good news of Jesus, Sharing our Faith can be the best way to show our love to God and others. (Matthew 28:19, Philemon 6)

Tell someone you know about your decision to follow after Jesus. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 15: You can’t out-give God.”]

We can’t out-give God. The more of ourselves we Give to Him, the more we find that he blesses us in a multitude of ways that grow our relationship with our creator. (Philippians 3:7, Mark 10:29, Ephesians 1:11, I John 3:1, Philippians 3:7-8, Romans 8:38-39)

What can you do without today that meets someone else needs? Give something away. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 16: Satan is your enemy…”]

Satan is your enemy, bent on stealing your joy, blessings and even your life. But Jesus defeated Him and all he can do is try to distract you from following Jesus. He will at some point try to convince you that you don’t really know God – that it was”just a passing thing.” (John 16:11, 8:44 & 10:10 &16:11, I Peter 5:8, James 4:7)

Give thanks to God that He defeated your greatest enemy and has given you new life. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 17: “Trials” test our faithfulness to Jesus…”]

Rough times or “Trials” test our faithfulness to Jesus and strengthen our resolve in following Him. Romans 5:3, James 1:2-4, I Peter 1:6-9)

What tough times are you going through now? Ask God to make you more like Him as a result of this time. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 18: God wants a relationship of Intimacy”]

God wants a relationship of Intimacy with us, a life spent together, not distant lip service. (Matthew 15:8, Hebrews 10:22)

Talk to Jesus, or walk and talk to him about anything you feel – just be yourself as you talk to Him. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 19: Growing things change.”]

Growing things change, so as we continue to follow after Jesus each day we can expect Him to Change us from the inside out. He changes our hearts and that changes our conduct, not the other way around. (II Peter 1:5-8, Philippians 2:12-13)

Ask of God “Change me,” then look an opportunity to act out that change. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 20: We will be judged by Christ…”]

We will be Judged by Christ for the lives we lead on earth. Though once someone is truly saved he or she will never be in danger of going to Hell, each of us will stand before Jesus and give an account of how they’re actions showed how we loved and served Him and others. (Romans 14:12, II Corinthians 5:10, Matthew 18: 21-35)

As we are thankfully forgiven, who do you need to forgive? [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 21: The believer is the Temple of the Holy Spirit…”]

The believer is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. He literally resides inside of you, empowering you to do what is right and convicting you when you do wrong. I Corinthians 6:18-20, Ephesians 3:16-19, 4:30-31

How can you give in to even more to God’s leading in your life? [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 22: Have you been baptized?”]

Baptism is a symbolic action that the life we used to live is dead and buried and we have been raised up into a new life in Jesus. This is an ideal first step for those who have accepted Jesus. (Romans 6:2-4)

Have you ever made a conscious, willing choice to be baptized? If not, ask Jeremy about doing it. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 23: Do I build up or tear down?”]

Jesus never said following Him would be easy, but difficult. We are called to Encourage one another. (I Thessalonians 5:11)

What can you say to another believer that would encourage them? [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 24: Saved people serve people”]

Saved people serve people. We’re never more like Jesus than when we Serve others. (John 13:12-17, Mark 10:42-45)

Find a way to serve someone in a way they would not expect. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 25: Worship is not just singing…”]

Worship is not just singing in church, it’s in everything we do throughout the day that brings glory to God. (Romans 12:1-2)

Dedicate something you do today specifically to God in worship. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 26: What is communion?”]

Communion is a time of reflection on being a part of Christ’s Body and being joined with other believers. (I Corinthians 11:23-26)

Have Communion, sharing bread and juice, with some fellow believers, like in an Access Group, honoring Jesus for the sacrifice of Himself for us. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 27: Jesus will return someday…”]

Jesus will return someday, not as a servant, but as King and He will rule the earth. (Revelation 19:11-16)

Make a point to thank Jesus that no matter what happens, He will one day set everything right – you always have a bright future! [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 28: Be filled with the Holy Spirit…”]

The joy so often experienced by the obedient believer in Christ is called “The Filling of the Holy Spirit.” (Ephessians 5:18-20)

Spend time in prayer and worship, surrendering your whole life to God and ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 29: We are for what we are for…”]

As Believers, we are about being for what we are for, not being “holier than thou.” Jesus was about Loving even those who didn’t live like Him, not accusing them. (Luke. 5:27-32, 7:39-48, 19:5-10, John 4:7:9-14, 7:53-8:11)

Who do you know that may have been turned off by a “holier than thou” version of following Christ? Find a way to show them kindness without expecting anything in return at all. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

[togglegroup][toggle title=”Day 30: Does what I do really matter?”]

Everyone who does not accept Jesus will face God and be Judged for their sins according to what they have done – all of their sins counted against them. (Revelations 20:11-15)

Begin praying daily for an unbelieving friend and look for the opportunity to share with them your decision to follow after Jesus. [/toggle][/togglegroup]

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